Easter Camp Week 2 ( Tue April 19th – Friday April 22nd)

Date(s) - 19 April 2022 - 22 April 2022
9:30 am - 2:00 pm


Scroll & Read Thru T & Cs , Electronic Booking form at end of Scroll.


Easter & Summer Camp Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions for use of our website and the Terms and Conditions for booking places on our Easter &  Summer Camps through our online booking.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Together with our privacy policy, they govern our relationship
with you in relation to this website.

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, We/Our/Us means Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Easter & Summer Camp. We may change these terms and conditions at any time by updating this page. Using or accessing this website indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and
conditions, please do not continue to use this website.

  1. Parents must be aware that places will be filled on a first come first served basis.
  2. Upon making a full payment per child secures your child’s place.
  3. We only accept children from the age of 5 years to 12 years.
  4. A Parent/guardian must sign the application form and agree to terms and conditions, payment via this
    website is also taken as agreement with the terms and conditions.
  5. All medical conditions must be clearly stated on the application form.
  6. Children must bring a packed lunch, rain gear, and sun cream each day. No fizzy/sports drinks allowed.
  7. The hours of the camp are 9:30 am-2:00 pm each day.
  8. Children will not be taken into the camp before 9:30 am and must be collected at 2:00 pm.  Killarney Valley Ac Fun 4 All Kids Summer Camp and its employees are not responsible for children outside of these times.
  9.  Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Summer Camp does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage to any property belonging to the children.
  10. Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Summer Camp reserves the right to cancel part of/or the entire program.
  11. Mobile Phones are not permitted in camp. All valuables must be left at home.
  12. Photographs and video footage may be taken and used for promotional reasons. If you do not wish
    images of your child to be used by us, Please inform Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Camp by email.
  13. Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids  Easter & Summer Camp has permission to seek medical treatment in the event of an accident.
  14. Information on activities is given in good faith. All arrangements and activities are subject to change
    depending on weather conditions, program schedules, and other arrangements.  Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camps reserves the right to remove any child that is disruptive from the camp due to misbehavior or whose behavior puts themselves or others at risk without a refund.
  15. The Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp programs adheres to the best safety expectations and procedures.
  16. Breach of our Terms and Conditions will result in the cancellation of the booking.
  17. We at Killarney Valley AC  Fun 4 All Kids Easter & Summer Camp will not accept any responsibility for any injury caused to anyone using equipment.
  18. If in the unfortunate event that one of our camps has to be cancelled due to emergency or circumstances out of our control, we will offer placement at our camps, to take place at a later date. No refunds will be permitted.

19. We are not in a position to facilitate a booking where the child requires one to one care. On booking you will have confirmed you fully understand this.

Easter & Summer Camp adjustments due to Covid-19:

During this unprecedented and difficult time, Fun 4 All Kids Summer Camp aim to keep the safety and
well-being of all our participants and staff the paramount concern in every decision we make. As a
result, we have compiled a number of policies, procedures and risk assessments to ensure that we meet
all the guidelines and measures that have been put in place by the HSE and Government.
Fun 4 All Kids Summer Camp is determined to provide a fun and enjoyable atmosphere to ensure that
there is a smile on every face at the end of each day. We have made every effort to reduce the risk of
the possible spread of COVID-19 on our camps. (See the symptoms of Covid -19 below – Do not send your child to Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp if they are displaying any of these symptoms. Do not send your child to Fun 4 All Kids Summer Camp if they are considered in the “at higher risk” category)
– High Temperature
– Shortness of Breath
– A cough
– Loss or change to your sense of smell or taste



  1. Do you have symptoms of cough, fever, high temperature, sore throat,
    runny nose, breathlessness or flu like symptoms now or in the past 14
  2. Have you been diagnosed with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
    infection in the last 14 days?
  3. Are you a close contact of a person who is a confirmed or suspected
    case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days (i.e. less than 2m for more than
    15 minutes accumulative in 1 day)?
  4. Have you been advised by a doctor to self-isolate at this time?
  5. Have you been advised by a doctor to cocoon at this time?

If you have said “Yes” to any of the above, please do not book your child into Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camps.

Data Protection:

How we protect your data protection:
At Killarney Valley AC  Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp, privacy and data protection rights are very important to us.
Data Protection is the safeguarding of the privacy rights of individuals in relation to the processing of personal
data, in both paper and electronic format. The Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 (the “Data Protection Acts”)
lay down strict rules about the way in which personal data and sensitive personal data are collected, accessed,
used, and disclosed.

The Data Protection Acts also permit individuals to access their personal data on request
and confer on individuals the right to have their personal data amended if found to be incorrect. This policy document outlines Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp policy to help ensure that we comply with the Data Protection Acts.

Purpose of this data protection policy
This policy is a statement of Killarney Valley AC  Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp commitment to protect the rights and privacy of
individuals in accordance with the Data Protection Acts.
Collecting information.
We collect and use information to provide the following services:

  • To organise our camp activities in groups of similar ages.
  • To perform accounting and other record-keeping functions.


Data Protection Principles

We shall perform our responsibilities under the Data Protection Acts in accordance with the following eight Data
Protection principles:

Obtain and process information fairly
We shall obtain and process personal data fairly and in accordance with statutory and other legal obligations.

Keep it only for one or more specified, explicit and lawful purposes
We shall keep personal data for purposes that are specific, lawful and clearly stated. Personal data will only be
processed in a manner compatible with these purposes.

Use and disclose only in ways compatible with these purposes
We shall use and disclose personal data only in circumstances that are necessary for the purposes for which we
collected the data.

Keep it safe and secure
We shall take appropriate security measures against unauthorised access to, or alteration, disclosure or
destruction of personal data and against its accidental loss or destruction.

Keep it accurate, complete and up-to-date
We adopt procedures that ensure high levels of data accuracy, completeness and that data is up-to-date.

Ensure it is adequate, relevant and not excessive
We shall only hold personal data to the extent that it is adequate, relevant and not excessive.

Retain for no longer than is necessary
We have a retention policy for personal data.

Give a copy of his/ her personal data to that individual, on request
We adopt procedures to ensure that data subjects can exercise their rights under the Data Protection legislation
to access their data.

Overall responsibility for ensuring compliance with Data Protection Acts rests with Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp.
All employees and contractors of Killarney Valley AC  Fun 4 All Kids Easter & Summer Camp who separately collect, control or process the
content and use of personal data are individually responsible for compliance with the Data Protection Acts. The
Data Protection Co-Ordinator is Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp Data Protection Officer and coordinates the
provision of support, assistance, advice, and training within Killarney Valley AC  Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp to ensure that the company is in a position to comply with the legislation.

Procedures and Guidelines
Killarney Valley AC Fun 4 All Kids Easter &  Summer Camp is firmly committed to ensuring personal privacy and compliance with the Data
Protection Acts, including the provision of best practice guidelines and procedures in relation to all aspects of
Data Protection.
Access Requests Policy Camp; Procedure are available on request from the Data Protection Co-ordinator.

This Data Protection Policy will be reviewed regularly in light of any legislative or other relevant developments


Bookings are closed for this event.